Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I was completely thrown off when she said, “SCUM will keep on destroying, looting, fucking up, and killing until the money-work system…” Is her way of changing the names males have like the devaule women in rap songs? Or is she just trying to be spiteful? I think that maybe it is to throw back what they do to women on men. I think that she supports this when she says to “encourage other men to de-man themselves and thereby make themselves relatively inoffensive.” One thing I wanted to bring up was if men were supposed to be beneath women?..or is she saying we should lower their standings to make up for what they have done to women? My response is that I don't think we can fight fire with fire..
The Myth of the Vaginal Organism
True SCUM indeed!!
...The Whole World Blind
In reading SCUM Manifesto, Solanas clearly wants to de-construct society in its entirety and re-create a new society solely for women. However, in doing so, she is simply switching places with men by attempting to create a society they have no place in. What does she solve in living life believing "an eye for an eye." According to Ghandi, "an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind." In other words, although she believes her new society made for and by women will be beneficial, is she any better than the current rule makers of society who exclude women?
Sexuality taken by FORCE!!!
The very title of the article "Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence" explains the author, Adrienne Rich’s thesis which seeks to prove that historically women have been socialized into the concept in being attracted to men. Rich uses Kathleen Gough ‘s essay “The Origin of the Family”, as her framework to theorize how men control and enforce heterosexuality on women. Rich uses the terms, lesbian existence and lesbian continuum, instead of lesbianism to remove the society’s taboo of lesbians. She explains that lesbians make a political statement that denies men and their power over women’s sexuality. I agree with Rich’s comment which states that historical records about the lesbian existence in letters and memorabilia has been destroyed (306). Rich mentions that the bond between women as friendship, comradeship, and erotic. I do not agree with her statement because there has neverbeen an erotic bond with my experiences with women. I believe she generalizes an infant suckling at her mother’s breast as sexual or erotic (306). This article can also explain why some women have a lesbian experience in life. I also disagree with her contention which states that women marry men for financial stability on the account that many women have their own successful jobs and careers. Overall, I would have liked Rich to explain why women in general are attracted to men without men's force of heterosexuality?
The Myth
Men control womens' lives to avoid emasculation
The common thread between the article titled “The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm” by Anne Koedt and the article titled “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence” by Adrienne Rich is the control of women. In Koedt’s article, she discusses the control of women’s sexuality through the myth of vaginal orgasms. She presents inarguable evidence, which even people in our own class might support, rejecting the existence of a vaginal orgasm. Koedt states that, “women have thus been defined sexually in terms of what pleases men” (228). This means that if men are responsible for or have more control of female sexuality, then whatever aspect of female sexuality that pleases them (the vagina in this case) will obviously be the center of focus. Men get no pleasure out of stimulating the clitoris, which contains more nerve endings then the vagina, therefore it is not of any importance. Koedt even presents a counterargument that sides with men, who may argue that they did not know the clitoris provided a lot of pleasure. She then points out that men stimulate the clitoris during foreplay only to “produce the necessary lubrication for penetration” (229). Once again, womens’ sexuality is defined by what pleases men.
She presents six main reasons why men maintain the myth of vaginal orgasms and two of these reason stood out to men: “the penis as epitome of masculinity” and “sexually expendable men.” The commonality between these two reasons is that they produce fear in men who then seek to control female sexuality to avoid their own emasculation. The clitoris is often seen as a miniature version of the penis and that does not resonate well with people who use physical differences as a way to maintain inequality. Because the clitoris is seemed as a masculine feature (231), it is ignored because “mean fear the clitoris as a threat to their masculinity” (231). A women who is masculine is almost never attractive to a masculine man because he won’t feel man enough to be with her. Another idea to consider is the “sexually expendable men.” The belief behind this idea is that if women desire clitoral stimulation over vaginal stimulation, men will not be needed any more, for sexual purposes at least. This leads once again to the belief that men only focus on things that bring them pleasure. It does not even matter if women don’t enjoy vaginal penetration equally, they only “want to get theirs.” The two ideas previously discussed maintain the belief that men only use the myth of vaginal orgasm to control women for their own sexual pleasure.
In Adrienne Rich’s article, she discussed compulsory heterosexuality. Her article analyzes the institutions that use heterosexuality to control women, socially and economically. She pretty much argues that women never really liked men because they “deny women [their own] sexuality … or force it upon them …. command or exploit their labor to control their produce …. control or rob them of their children …. use them as objects in male transactions…. cramp their creativeness …. withhold from them large areas of society’s knowledge and cultural attainments” (348). But heterosexuality is the norm, women accepted it. Like Koedt, she brings up control of sexuality but she identifies lesbianism (through its existence and continuum) as ways of living in a society where men try to control them and constantly subjugate them. Her use of lesbianism (either as an existence or continuum) falls in line with the idea of male control. Attaching lesbian to the different categories conjures up ideas of male expendability and fear of women, based on my own experiences. Lesbians are rejected in society because they don’t follow the norm, mostly the sexual norm of sleeping with men. Men fear lesbians because they believe that these women don’t need them and because they cannot control their sexuality through the myth of the vaginal orgasm. So although the lesbian continuum may actually exist, women and men may both reject it because women don’t want to be rejected by the men that don’t really care about them and men want to be able to control women and have them rely only on men.
Now what I got out of these readings is that the main problem between these two sexes is that we are struggling for control. Women are struggling for control of our lives, from sexuality to education, and men are struggling for control of women’s sexuality and education. To me, these problems will not be solved until women realize that we are not helping the situation by suffering in silence, we must speak our concerns. It also won’t happen until men realize that female empowerment does not men emasculation. Emasculation seems to be the biggest issue. Men don’t want women to even come close to have the same amount of power, economically or sexually, as them. Once men get over their fear of being less than a “man” then we can live in society and have our lived lesbian experiences without even having to call it that because it will be a part of life. I don’t want to call it normal because that word has negative connotations, especially when you are talking about relationships and heterosexuality and homosexuality.
I was also amused that "men fear that they will become sexually expendable if the clitoris is substituted for the vagina as the center of pleasure (230)." For me this basically means that these ignorant men may just be inferior to us and because of projection and fear of the power of the clitoris they seek to physically and psychologically annihilate the clitoris. I agree with Koedt where she says that there may be primarily psychological reasons why "women select men at the exclusion of women as sexual partners." Women could receive the ultimate sexual pleasure without men whereas the "best stimulant for the penis is the woman's vagina"(230). If I were a man I would probably be intimidated as well. Some men are just experiencing clit-envy, they are jealous because the clitoris has NO other function other than that of sexual pleasure.
I hear ya, but I'm not quite sure I am COMPLETELY feelin ya, Ms. Rich
This concept is something I can relate to however it still leaves me wondering about my heterosexual female constituents that still desire to live forcefully within certain confines of patriarchal systems. I understand that marriage, in the western historical context, was put into place for men to pass down property and for women to be labeled as property. Yet, there have been women that have been empowered in recent history within the institution of marriage. I believe she was trying to say that the more inclusive term of lesbian continuum could invite more women to be a part of a movement against male patriarchy. However, I feel this is the type of “male bashing” that many potential male allies are concerned about. I feel that feminism should not be entirely about rejecting all patriarchal systems or accepting ideas that all systems, that are historically patriarchal, cannot be manipulated or evolved into systems of cooperation between the sexes.
When did we become SCUM?
Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm
Did anyone else recall the deli scene from When Harry Met Sally when reading Anne Koedt’s “The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm?” It’s common knowledge that a lot of women fake orgasms why do men still fall for it? Why bother trying to justify why men aren’t able to sexually satisfy women with their penis? Freud’s emphasis on vaginal orgasms and frigid women is just sad to me because of the negative far-reaching impact. Many women still hold out hope for that elusive vaginal orgasm that so many other women claim they are having. I guess eventually after awhile we all start to believe our own lies otherwise why do women buy into it? They really should make this article required sex ed reading for both sexes.
I had a thought when reading the invisible woman, in particular the quote about “a woman not being seen as an individual wanting to share equally in the sexual act. (230) Perhaps that evolved because women didn’t want to go through the motions and refused to “act out her enjoyment” of something that wasn’t really stimulating her. Though if men are going to obviously be so selfish in their sexual dealings with women why not check their ego at the door and just acknowledge that the act is really about their satisfaction not hers?
I can get no orgastifactioin..
I can get no orgastifactioin..
Truly Uncensored
I called several of my friends to read certain exerts from the article. While some liked it, others questioned the article's stance saying it was too dramatic. My experience at Spelman College has shown me two things. Women are very quick to look at both sides of an issue (especially if it pertains to men) and Men have the luxury of enjoying male privilege. I have yet to hear any of my male peers say anything is to sexist or patriarchal. Whether the author truly believes that The male is no longer needed in our society or that he "is a biological accident' (Solanas) is irrelevant to me. I like the play on supposed gender ideologies and supposed gender strengths and weaknesses.
In English I learned about the Freudian concept, meaning that every little girl wishes she could be a boy. However, I remember thinking how great it was I could wear pants, shorts, skirts and dresses while boys could only wear pants or shorts. I liked being a girl because I did not know or understand yet the societal limitations of being a female. The whole can be summed up with the quote, "Women, in other words, don't have penis envy; men have pussy envy." The examples of women being able to bear life and why we have vigorous work weeks were intriguing and something I had not really thought about. But why after reading all these progressive and revolutionary thoughts are women focusing on the fairness on how men are portrayed? Is that the forefront issue. Since I too am socialized in this world I started to focus my attention on that "injustice" but I had to stop and think what was the overall message or point of this article. I don't think it was to protect the already overvalued male gender.
SCUM Manifesto....Whoa!
Additionally, through this article, she is not advocating to end sexist oppression, she is enforcing it; I don't know who is more sexist: her or the men she speaks of. I think it was Audre Lorde of maybe bell hooks that said, "You can't knock the down the master's house using the master's tools," meaning that you can't involve yourself in the same tactics and practices used by your oppressor in the efforts of trying to fight oppression. I don't think she gets that concept at all!
As Dr. Kuumba’s door states… Well behaved women rare make history... SCUM
Ms. Solanas even goes into painting a picture as one reading this could imagine “in a sane society the male would trot along obediently after the female.” Meaning that the male is “docile, and easily led, easily subjected to the domination of any female ho cares to dominate him” and that the male actually wants to be dominated such as having mommy take care of him from now on. The reason why above I said it seemed as if she were switching the notion of being SCUM because she states that the problem is not between males and females but between SCUM (dominant, secure, self-confident, nasty, violent, selfish, independent, proud, thrill-seeking, free-wheeling, arrogant females) and those who are nice, passive, accepting, “cultivated”, polite, dignified, subdued, dependent, scared, mindless, insecure, approval-seeking Daddy’s Girls. Almost as if SCUM were women breaking the “lady like” label society places on women. As a result, SCUM are women waiting for the opportunity to de-brainwash “millions of assholes” and make a change in history of women’s lives by “systematically fucking up the system, selectively destroying property, and murder.” The only purpose of men is to “encourage other men to de-man themselves and thereby make themselves relatively inoffensive.” In addition to the only way men get to fraternize with women is after a speech announcing in a sense how they are comparable to a piece of shit. I don’t understand that? First they have to reduce themselves completely to be worthy of our womanly essense?!?
For some reason while I was reading the part that starts off “SCUM will keep on destroying, looting, fucking up, and killing until the money-work system…” I thought of Malcolm X and how he was for violence and that it was going to continue until enough people started cooperating until when violence was no longer necessary. But yet in still after all of this as much as now this may be the way I was societally brought up but still we need men just like men need us. We are all entitled to our own opinions; however, what good would it do to objectify and dehumanize men to make a statement about the way we are treated? By doing all this would we really come to see the utter uselessness and banality of the male? And how would we? By being complete liberated women who some are still going to dominate other women just as a man does based upon the hierarchy of society and that some do need to lead and some need to follow based upon the fact that not everyone can be a leader. If everyone was a leader then who would be implementing the leaders ideas to carry them out and make a difference? I’m not saying men need to be the leaders and women the followers. I’m just asking in the end and thinking about it as a whole would eradicating men really be beneficial?
It was interesting to learn that men have always been aware of the clitoris and managed to figure out how to use it for their benefit. Their ability to arouse and lubricate the woman was merely for their assistance in the act of penetration. They had no desire to allow her to completely enjoy the experience…. “Leaving her both aroused and unsatisfied” (229). So sad. Another interesting, and humorous concept, is that of women faking orgasms. Although it is viewed as a form of comedy in Pop- Culture, it was interesting learning why women have been faking for generations. The attempts to stroke the male ego or lore a man into your possession were amongst the top reasons women have been faking for years.
As in every other reading there are areas of concern and confusion for me as the reader. I was appalled when I read the Freudian concepts of vaginal orgasms. His initial thought that “clitoral orgasm was adolescent, and that upon puberty, when women began having intercourse with men, women should transfer the center of orgasm to the vagina” (228)… What on earth?! Transfer?! I was even more appalled with the fact that women were being advised to seek psychological help in order to overcome their “frigidity” (which was a man-made LIE designed to degrade women and weaken their sexuality). And this psychological assistance was meant to help her achieve “natural role as a woman” (228). So now my orgasms somehow determine my womanhood? It further states that this damage to women’s mental health kept them from achieving their “VAGINAL DESTINY”!!!! What on earth!?
Monday, February 25, 2008
I disagree but hey its ok lesbian exsistence and continuum
Let me first say that this article was a lot for me to handle. I don't really know if its OK to disagree or not but hey I believe that I am entitled to my own opinion. Rich, starts off with talking about heterosexuality as a phenomenon and identifies the sources of male power. While she breaks them down into eight categories;the characteristics of male power. She then continues by defining each characteristic individually in there on way.
This article also brought to my attention two new terms that I was not so familiar with lesbian continuum and lesbian existence. Rich defines lesbian existence to be both the fact of the historical presence of lesbians and our continuing creation of the meaning of that existence. However, lesbian continuum is a range through each woman's life and throughout history of woman -identified experience, not simply the fact a woman has had or consciously desired genital sexual experience with other woman. She then continues to break down these two terms and how the play a role with in today's society. It is interesting to me to know that lesbians existence has been lived without access to many things such as "knowledge of tradition, a continuity, a social underpinning."(p.349)
I found it to be problematic when heterosexuality was thought as the natural emotional and sensual inclination for women. I mean yes, I do understand that as people we do not have the right to say what is natural and what is not but heterosexuality is NATURAL. Natural in the form that no matter how bad a homosexual couple try to have a children they have to include the opposite sex. Ex: A woman and a woman would have to get sperm from a sperm bank and insert it through their vagina, although, when it comes to men they can either impregnate a woman or adopt a child to have children I do not believe that heterosexuality has been both forcibly and subliminally imposed on women , I feel that women have the choice as to if they want to be a lesbian or not. Homosexuality is defined to me as a spirit it is just like a jacket for example you have a choice to zip a coat or not or perhaps button it or not. This is how I view homosexuality you can either become a lesbian and later decide that you no longer want to live this life style or live as a lesbian with discrimination that society brings to the LGBT community.
When I had reached the part in the article about marriage Rich describes marriage for women to be a form of comfort in order to survive economically and having children who would not suffer economic deprivation in order to do what was expected of women. For children it would be hard to come out in abnormal childhoods now why would it be called abnormal if it was not? It is not that heterosexual romance has been represented as a great female adventure it is just normal and natural. I don't know if its even fair to say that sex with men is one sense of escape from bedrock misery. NO! it is not that women need men as social and economic protectors only it is also away for reproduction in society.
Black women have found it to be difficult to be excepted as a lesbian because they feel that they have two things going against them being black and a woman are already two things that makes them an outsider. It is still another "hated identity" that is problematic indeed.(p.353) It was funny to me how Rich mentions that women turning to women out of
hatred for men was something that was found to be lie. I would have to disagree with that thought often times yes some women find that they are "born a lesbian" or they grow up feeling this way. Another common way is when men have mistreated a women by breaking their "heart" by cheating, sexual abuse,rape, or even verbal abuse do they then find that to be the turning point in their lives. When I say turning point I mean going from dick to strictly pussy. However, was it that they were always gay or lesbian and were living in this closed box for society to except them? Or were they really heterosexual and got fed up with that one guy that made them change their mind to hating all men and decided to be with women? "There is not statistical documentation of the numbers of lesbians who have remained in heterosexual marriages for most of their lives."(p.352) I see it as self hatred just like racism in some cases, how in some situations black people choose to only date light skin black people and nothing else they have a hatred within themselves that causes them to think within this mindset. But hey this is what I feel about this whole lesbian existence and lesbian continuum its an opinion, my opinion and that's enough to make it valid and natural "so I take me as I am or have nothing at all".
SCUM...it's a good thing!
One of Solanas’ points for this text I can only imagine is to empower women. “And, if a large majority of women were SCUM, they could acquire complete control of this country within a few weeks…The police force, National Guard, Army, Navy and Marines combined couldn’t squelch a rebellion of over half the population, particularly when it’s made up of people they are utterly helpless without”. What is so frightening about this statement is that it is absolutely true. If women were to all of a sudden become extinct, life as we know it would cease to exist. I think that should be said again. If women were to all of a sudden become extinct, life as we know it would cease to exist. The idea of patriarchy was created to prevent women from realizing that. Women = Power.
Another interesting concept I pulled out of S.C.U.M was Solanas’ definition of the different types of women in our society—the SCUM and the approval –seeking Daddy’s Girls. According to this article there is the need to re-educate the Daddy’s Girls and introduce them to the life of SCUM—full of looting, law breaking, fucking-up, and murder. SCUM women are advised “take care” of those men that attempt to force patriarchy upon us, which would leave only the open-minded, and equality driven men to exist (if there are any of those). Although this article took it somewhat to the extreme, the points Valerie Solanas was making should not be taken lightly. If the women are to make in progress in this society, we must together “fuck up” societal norms. When you look to the civil rights movement, you notice that the majority of African-Americans were participants. Three people can make a little bit of noise, but three billion can really shake some shit up.
Long story short, I really enjoyed this article, it was meaningful, entertaining and eye opening.
OMG...SCUM Manifesto!!!!!
Her description of men as lacking individuality and being interchangeable, is the same idiology used in our patriarchal society, and it is the basis on which they justify polygamy... since they feel that if one woman cannot do her job as perfectly as she should, then we'll get a second one to complement her deficiencies... totally oblivious to the fact that this will destroy the woman emotionally, and socially.. as well as putting the blame on her in the end, since she is the one with the deficiencies, and never caring how this will damage the family as a whole, or the children in particular... In short they feel that women are interchangeable.
At first I found her ideas extreme and uncalled for, but dont you think that these same ideas which are being applied to women in this day and age are similarily extreme and uncalled for? The difference is that she was sent to a mental institution because this idea is insane, but the men of today are given the benefit of the doubt, and they're justified, and are never sent to get the apropriate psychiatric care... and sometimes their actions are even encouraged and condoned by society. WTF???
Sunday, February 24, 2008
“Oh Baby! That’s my spot!”
I feel Koedt had very valid points to her theory of “the myth of the Vaginal Orgasm”. I have noticed that all of the reasons that Koedt mentioned why men maintain the myth were absolutely valid. I have found them to be true in my personal life. Example: “Sexual Penetration Is Preferred” meaning that men like vagina that provides lots of lubrication and friction…how many times has a man licked or rubbed on a woman’s clit just enough to lubricate it enough to stick his penis in it. Not for her. For him. Or maintaining “The invisible woman”. Like I mentioned before, questions like “whose pussy is this” excludes the woman from the sexual act and makes her vagina HIS. It’s not about her. It’s about him. Or devaluing the vagina for the “Control of Women”. Men don’t want women to know that their clitoris is the “penis” of their sexuality; however men have realized this and tried to tame and control women by cutting off their clitorises and robbing them of any sexual pleasure ever in life. However, they don’t sew up their vaginas. Know why? Cause men still need women’s vaginas to stick their penises in so they can have friction and lubrication so they can come. They wouldn’t cut that off. Cause it’s not about us. It’s about them. Or fear of “lesbianism and bisexuality”also motivates men to spread the myth. If more women understood that that all they needed to achieve an orgasm was their clitoris they would masturbate just as much as men jack off and realize that they don’t need men; even for sex. A penis becomes expendable…and the there would be no songs praising I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T women who need nothing from a man but his penis; cause then she wouldn’t even need him for that.