Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I laughed out loud while reading The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm and even called a friend to share the outlandish reasons as to why men maintain the myth and are experiencing what I call clitophobia. They are afraid that at some point women will abandon them for sexual pleasure because a penis is not always necessary to achieve an orgasm. Some men are afraid of the clitoris because of its similarity to the penis. These similarities of the penis and clit would assume that men and women are equals but for some men this is apparently hard to swallow. It was funny to me that a "big clitoris is considered ugly and masculine," while a big penis is the epitome of masculinity.

I was also amused that "men fear that they will become sexually expendable if the clitoris is substituted for the vagina as the center of pleasure (230)." For me this basically means that these ignorant men may just be inferior to us and because of projection and fear of the power of the clitoris they seek to physically and psychologically annihilate the clitoris. I agree with Koedt where she says that there may be primarily psychological reasons why "women select men at the exclusion of women as sexual partners." Women could receive the ultimate sexual pleasure without men whereas the "best stimulant for the penis is the woman's vagina"(230). If I were a man I would probably be intimidated as well. Some men are just experiencing clit-envy, they are jealous because the clitoris has NO other function other than that of sexual pleasure.


janinedanielle said...

I agree with your comment that men are afraid of the clitoris. As much as men may pretend to be all macho and super-masculine believing all they need is themselves, they honestly need to be needed by women. I think their clitophobia stems not from jealousy but rather a place of fear. As a result, in catering to, and embracing the clitoris, they may believe their position as the giver of pleasure will be compromised. Therefore, they avoid it and make excuses around it so as to secure their places in women's sexual lives.

endodancer9 said...

I also agree. Men fear the "independent woman" and the clit. They are afraid especially because they are learning that women do not need them to have an orgasm. Women can orgasm with the help of another woman or by themselves. Therefore they have no need for the penis. Sorry guys, your loss.
Men need to learn how to stimulate the clit, let the woman orgasm, then penetrate, and make sure they make her REALLY orgasm (via G-Spot), no faking ladies. Make sure he finds it! :)
I truly enjoyed this reading.