Sunday, February 24, 2008

“Oh Baby! That’s my spot!”

Well. I guess after reading these articles we, as a gender group, have realized the damage we have done by faking orgasms. All the “oooh” and “aaah” and responses to ego boosting questions like “whose pussy is this” have caused major set backs to females around the world. Although I’ve never been one to fake orgasms, I, too, admit that I have done it once or twice when my man has been working hard to get me there and I just wasn’t coming. Didn’t want to bruise his ego, you know? But after reading this article I probably ruined things for the next girl. Or perhaps I didn’t. I bet she faked too.

I feel Koedt had very valid points to her theory of “the myth of the Vaginal Orgasm”. I have noticed that all of the reasons that Koedt mentioned why men maintain the myth were absolutely valid. I have found them to be true in my personal life. Example: “Sexual Penetration Is Preferred” meaning that men like vagina that provides lots of lubrication and friction…how many times has a man licked or rubbed on a woman’s clit just enough to lubricate it enough to stick his penis in it. Not for her. For him. Or maintaining “The invisible woman”. Like I mentioned before, questions like “whose pussy is this” excludes the woman from the sexual act and makes her vagina HIS. It’s not about her. It’s about him. Or devaluing the vagina for the “Control of Women”. Men don’t want women to know that their clitoris is the “penis” of their sexuality; however men have realized this and tried to tame and control women by cutting off their clitorises and robbing them of any sexual pleasure ever in life. However, they don’t sew up their vaginas. Know why? Cause men still need women’s vaginas to stick their penises in so they can have friction and lubrication so they can come. They wouldn’t cut that off. Cause it’s not about us. It’s about them. Or fear of “lesbianism and bisexuality”also motivates men to spread the myth. If more women understood that that all they needed to achieve an orgasm was their clitoris they would masturbate just as much as men jack off and realize that they don’t need men; even for sex. A penis becomes expendable…and the there would be no songs praising I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T women who need nothing from a man but his penis; cause then she wouldn’t even need him for that.

1 comment:

dev_2010 said...

I agree good shit my sister!!!! After reading this article it finally all makes sense we really dont need men to come right? All we need men for is reproduction right? Men will continue to be men and think about themselves only especially when it comes to sex I feel that they forget about us women anyway during sex. Its all about who's your daddy and whose pussy is this? Never the reverse but hey what can I say its all about male dominance right?? Clearly when it comes to having sex