Tuesday, February 26, 2008

As Dr. Kuumba’s door states… Well behaved women rare make history... SCUM

First let me start off by saying WOW Ms. Valerie Solanas is hostile. I’m feeling that she has some built up tension that explodes in her language on paper. But it made for quite an interesting read whether than having to pull out a dictionary to understand every other word. Breaking it down into many sections from the beginning I got the feeling that Ms. Solanas was taking a look at the current society and imagining what it would be like if “there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation, and destroy the male sex.” Please someone who reads this blog make a comment and let me know what you think. Secondly, she goes into how women can now reproduce without having a man and how men are really only “incomplete females, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage.” And that “to be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.” So from jump in a sense I could tell that was going to be that for lack of better words a male bashing article? I got the feeling that she took the idea of what already is in today’s society in which men are the SCUM and she reverses it to what if women were the SCUM.

Ms. Solanas even goes into painting a picture as one reading this could imagine “in a sane society the male would trot along obediently after the female.” Meaning that the male is “docile, and easily led, easily subjected to the domination of any female ho cares to dominate him” and that the male actually wants to be dominated such as having mommy take care of him from now on. The reason why above I said it seemed as if she were switching the notion of being SCUM because she states that the problem is not between males and females but between SCUM (dominant, secure, self-confident, nasty, violent, selfish, independent, proud, thrill-seeking, free-wheeling, arrogant females) and those who are nice, passive, accepting, “cultivated”, polite, dignified, subdued, dependent, scared, mindless, insecure, approval-seeking Daddy’s Girls. Almost as if SCUM were women breaking the “lady like” label society places on women. As a result, SCUM are women waiting for the opportunity to de-brainwash “millions of assholes” and make a change in history of women’s lives by “systematically fucking up the system, selectively destroying property, and murder.” The only purpose of men is to “encourage other men to de-man themselves and thereby make themselves relatively inoffensive.” In addition to the only way men get to fraternize with women is after a speech announcing in a sense how they are comparable to a piece of shit. I don’t understand that? First they have to reduce themselves completely to be worthy of our womanly essense?!?

For some reason while I was reading the part that starts off “SCUM will keep on destroying, looting, fucking up, and killing until the money-work system…” I thought of Malcolm X and how he was for violence and that it was going to continue until enough people started cooperating until when violence was no longer necessary. But yet in still after all of this as much as now this may be the way I was societally brought up but still we need men just like men need us. We are all entitled to our own opinions; however, what good would it do to objectify and dehumanize men to make a statement about the way we are treated? By doing all this would we really come to see the utter uselessness and banality of the male? And how would we? By being complete liberated women who some are still going to dominate other women just as a man does based upon the hierarchy of society and that some do need to lead and some need to follow based upon the fact that not everyone can be a leader. If everyone was a leader then who would be implementing the leaders ideas to carry them out and make a difference? I’m not saying men need to be the leaders and women the followers. I’m just asking in the end and thinking about it as a whole would eradicating men really be beneficial?

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