Tuesday, February 26, 2008

True SCUM indeed!!

Valerie Solanas is a brutal but honest writer. I must admit i was taken by surprise by these forceful words but i can see why it makes sense. The constant envy of the female identity has shown how sexuality is taken just by force in a male patriarchal society. Women are always shown to be inferior only to make men superior. However, if there is a social group that seems to be smarter, stronger, and flat out better beyond their knowledge wouldn't the only way to conquer them be to convince them that they are below average and un-orthadox? When dealing with the dichotomies of sexuality i see as more of a colonization of the sexes. With technology increasing every day we are beginning to need men or "masculine labor" more and more these days. Considering sperm banks, factories with machines, and soon coming robots maybe women will just call men for sexual pleasure. 
However, based on the Ann Koedt  men aren't even capable to sexually satisfy women completely. I think the worst part about is that men have either know idea of the massive impact the clitoris has on sexual satisfaction or just choose to ignore it, or both considering the gender. I felt that the article " The Myth of the Vaginal," gives a lot of justification for sexual exploration as well as reminding me of those that are intersexed. In relation to the clitoris and all the information of why it is so necessary i can only image how those that experienced corrective surgery on their clitoris. On the contrary  i image that i can't be to different from a women with "normal" genitalia. I say this because if sexual pleasure is hardly felt from women with "normal" genitalia, due to the primary focus on male satisfaction, then are those with out a "normal" clitoris really experiencing anything different. It could be sen as a "grass is greener" point of view but i felt that both of these articles took many controversial myths and sexual assumptions and made them not only parallel but put them into a different perspective for me!    

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