Wednesday, April 9, 2008

How it Feels to Be Oppressed Me

For students like myself who live lives as minorities within minorities within minorities or who have seriously considered concepts taught in courses like ADW or the introductory women’s studies course, Chapter 2 of Race, Gender, and Work titled “Race, Class, Gender, and Women’s Work: Conceptual Framework” is not new. It is simply a reminder that as feminists we are not working against only against sexism but all systems of oppression. Understanding this idea helps eliminate the divisions that occur between different types of feminists and other marginalized groups. In this chapter it is stated that “it is artificial to discuss them [race, gender, class] outside of historical time and place, and separately from one another” (12). This idea is aligned with works written by Audre Lorde, Dr. Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Patricia Hill Collins, and a number of other feminist writers who have written extensively on the interlocking oppressions that affect not only women but homosexuals, people living with disabilities,etc.

On page 16, it is stated that “racial-ethnic and class domination have differentiated the experiences of women, one cannot assume, as do many feminist theorist and activists, that all women have the same experience of gender oppression – or even that they will be on the same side of a struggle, not even when some women define that struggle as ‘feminist.’” This quote draws on a problem that causes divisions. People sometimes feel a need to pick and choose what oppression affects them the most and they do not realize that its not one type of oppression affecting them, it is a multiple oppressions working collectively to oppress you and pin-pointing examples of oppression is much easier than pin-pointing what it is exactly oppressing you. In the excerpt from chapter 2, examples were given that helped clarify ways that marginalized people are oppressed. One example centers on slavery and the effects it has had on people. For many years it was believed that people of color, particularly Africans were enslaved because they were of a darker shade and their oppressors even concocted scientific evidence to “prove” that they were fit for slavery. It has also been said slavery was a result of capitalism. In this way it is difficult for someone to say that people were enslaved only because white people thought little of Africans and it is equally difficult to say that they were enslaved because white people only need them for cheap labor. They equally contributed to the oppression of enslaved people and it is equally important to work against both capitalism and racism.

I think this article is a good foundation for studying the interlocking oppressions. It should be eye-opening for people who believe that they need to choose one oppression to work against and ignore other parts of their lives that being oppressed. It bothers me when people even argue over whether feminist issues are important to advocate for in the face of racism, especially women. It fact this reading reminds me of an essay written by Zora Neale Hurston titled, “How It Feels to Be Colored Me.” In this article Hurston discusses her feelings on being colored and from reading into her background in class we realize that she was raised in a predominantly black community unlike other seminal writers and didn’t realize she was colored until she left the boundaries of her community. She obviously did not realize her “coloredness” until white people made her realize it, but even then it wasn’t like a presence hovering over her like race was for others like Richard Wright and Ralph Ellison. Maybe some women have this experience. Until they are in situations where they realize their “womanness”, they don’t realize that they are oppressed. Until they are in those situations in the workplace being underpaid, exploited, and harassed, they may never realize they are being oppressed. Just my thoughts.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Created Concepts of Oppression

African American feminist theorists are constantly proving that experiences of "gender oppression" by women of color are different from those of white women. Gender oppression for women of color cannot be discussed without the inclusion of race and class. Race, class and gender are all created concepts. These concepts were created separately. However, when combined they are the enabling force which produce economic oppression. This article has some very compelling facts which support this theory.
Race is the most dominating of the created concepts. The “Taxonomy of race” was created to produce a justification for “racial dominance.” Racial inequality is one of the reasons that women of color experience gender oppression differently than white women. For example, when white women were forced into the subordinate roles of “childrearing” and “homemaker” they experienced gender oppression. However, they saw their oppression as unequal access to the workforce and not the subordinate role. The establishment of their societal roles were not oppressive to them because they “used their economic power, class, to reassign” most of these roles to women of color. This reassignment was based on race and class.
Class is the most underlying of the practiced concepts. Class creates lines of economic status. Within these lines is the hidden fact that regardless of how high a person of color’s SES is, there will always be a person of color beneath a white person. Based on created racial lines, there should never be a person of color above a white person. However, events in history are “transforming” this fact.

race, class, gender and women's works

I agree with the author of Race, Gender, and Work on that race, gender, work and even class are inextricably tied. And i also agree that there is no generic gender oppression which is experienced by all women regardless of their ethnicity or class. This can be viewed easily here at Spelman College. Just because we are all women and mostly black does not necessarily mean we all share the same experiences. Our class, cultures, ethnicity, and even region play major roles in our experiences as women. As the author stated, "one cannot assume, as do many feminist theorists and activists, that all women have the same experience of gender oppression-or even that they will be on the same side of a struggle, not even when some women define that struggle as "feminist." Therefore, I believe there is a need for an all encompassing movement or multiple parallel movements to serve the needs of all women and accomodate the vast differences.
I enjoyed how the author reinforced the connection between race, gender, class and ethnicity by starting off each section saying that each component is important separately but cannot be fully understood or explained without incorporating the other components. It is virtually impossible to attain radical social transformation without acknowledging nad accomodating the various differences amongst women.

Conceptual Framework

This chapter was to build a foundation for the readers to understand how race, class and gender formed women’s works by their history. Teresa Amott and Julie Matthaei authors of the book Race, Class, Gender, suggest that understanding race, class, and gender helps understand women’s economic histories. Women’s economic status has typically changed through out history when they are connected (married) or separated (divorced widowed) from a man. In addition typically gender roles are assigned to women, but there are some exceptions. For these reasons the authors suggest that there is no generic gender oppression which is experienced by all women regardless of race-ethnicity or class. On the bases of class women have had different jobs then men which caused men and women different economic roles; women having the subordinate role. Gender has typically placed the role of childbearing on women because of their biological makeup. These are just a few that were mentioned which set the conceptual framework for women’s works.

Third Wave Manifesta

The "Third Wave Manifesta," from Manifesta is truly a very articulate and radical form of feminism that is not necessarily seen in today's mainstream (white-female dominated) feminism. I deeply appreciated the fact that the authors, Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards incorporated the feminists ideologies of women of color in the manifesta as stated point #5. This particular piece also shows the attempts made during the third wave of feminis to include diversity in issues of women's rights by included issues pertaining to poor women and women of the gay/lesbian community. However, I must be critical of the article by stating that there is still room for improvement. I still feel in this article that it is still pertaining to women living in the United States. Class, sexuality, and race (though not in as much detail as it could have been discussed) were mentioned. However, what about the issues of women living in "developed" countries and the fact that we as "Western" women benefit from their exploitation. Issues of imperialism, globalization, and nationalization should be addressed. In addition, it is very hypocritical that many of us, who consider ourselves feminists, will voice our concerns on women's rights, but refuse that some of our "rights," are obtained through the subjugation of others. In engaging in intellectual discourse, we are aware of the many systems of oppression that prevalent within, and outside, our society. I believe that issues of religion, ageism, and "disability," should be discussed in this article. Third Wave Manifesta was successful in naming the various demands that we face as women. At the same time, point #9 was very disturbing. It stated the right for women to have full participation in the armed forces, including that of combat. I say this is disturbing because it does not acknowledge the fact that there are women who are exercising their "right" to military combat by currently killing innocent men, women, and children in the Iraq War. Some of these women will fight for women's rights, while at the same time participate in the militarization of women in countries outside of the United States, as a means to "liberate them." If Point #9 is not clearly specified, it can become very dangerous-which could further "feed" into an oppressive Western form of feminism, and thus further engaging in the notion of "us" and "them." It could end up leading back to the first wave of feminism which only benefited middle-class, White women.

"Women, Culture, and Society"

This article definitely was helpful in broadening the scope on a more global level in regards to the interlocking oppressions of race, class, and gender beyond the African American experience. The author illustrates the oppressions of gender that perpetuate sex labor division in the ever industrialized Korea and conceptualizes it historical relevance in an attempt to highlight the transitional period in search of the alternative to the society in which we function that is deeply embedded in patriarchy. Lie analyzes the role of women in the transition from agrarian patriarchy to patriarchal capitalism as it specifically relates to Korea and breaks down the differences as well as the commonalities as they are both plagued with some sort of hierarchical demand. Similar to the Marxist-Feminist analysis, women's subordination is said to have been a result of the growth of capitalism in the government in developing societies. The two interacting systems that objectify both women and men are patriarchy and capitalism. The exploitation of the male labor, at cheap cost, that ultimately becomes a class issue because there lies a huge division among the workers and owners while the surplus is allocated for the owners. The second component is the exploitation of women. Because of the political climate that implies a need for authority over women, men are categorized as an authoritative class that permissibly rules over women. The women and men are trapped in gender roles that are all, according to this analysis, derived from the separation of production of good that once originated in the home to the prioritization of markets and industry booming. The issue in both frameworks stresses that the major contributor to such division in the work force is considered the "public versus private" matter. While men were outside of the home working their contribution was viewed as a public gain for not only their families but also for the economy. However, the women that were restricted to the domestic roles maintaining the upkeep of the household were seen to be contributing privately. Even when she was afforded the opportunity in the work force she was always lower in status than the male no matter her capabilities. The women were also vehicles for economic gain as they historically have been valued for their reproductive labor and consumerism all to ensure the functionality for their household highlighting the paid vs. unpaid labor that is said to make up the "nuclear family". Tracing this cycle of subordination and sex labor division was quite interesting and showed that since the beginning there has a been a focus to capitalize on people's abilities at any cost. In many ways the system has been adjusted due to emancipation laws and passed bills, however, the sense of ownership over one's body for economic gain is still practiced and has simply shifted from slavery to wage slavery.

13 points that make TOO much sense

I thoroughly enjoyed Baumgardner’s and Richard’s thirteen-point agenda in regards to women’s rights. Point two reflects my stance on abortion rights. Although I personally would like to believe I will never abort a child I willingly helped conceive, I cannot say for sure what I would or would not do until I am in that situation. However, “a woman’s right to bear or not bear a child, regardless of circumstances” should be a common sense and natural right of all women. What further appalls me is that there are MEN who make decisions, whether good or bad, on women’s reproductive rights. I am outraged about that and cannot fathom how stupid and idiotic that reality is. I have realized that I have come to be more sensitive, open-minded and outspoken for the gay and lesbian community. They like everyone are a part of humanity and should be given the same civil and natural rights as anyone else (i.e. marriage, adoption, etc). It is outlandish alone that one has to create an agenda dispelling what I believe to be common sense. However, we all know that common sense isn’t common at all. I often joke how I wish all the men I knew and come in contact with daily, could experience what I experience in the classrooms at Spelman College; But as I matriculate through my collegiate experience, I realize that I am not joking at all and a course centered on Manifesta should actually be a required course for all people who step foot on any college or university’s campus…but that would make…too much sense.

Women Works in RaceClassGender as One

The day I stepped into a sociology class here at Spelman College I was told that race, class and gender are all socially constructed ideologies that do not exist independently. I also learned that an individual’s experience differs from other individual’s, usually according to ethnicity and culture. I often wonder if race, class and gender weren’t constructed by society, or didn’t exist at all, how the world would be. Would it be better or worse? Going about life in the world with no awareness of race, class or gender which will result in true equality and demolish the prejudice, discrimination and all the isms that plagued the world? Will there be a need for religion or other organized institutions that keep us from freely crossing gender roles or racial roles?
Being a black woman raised in a middle-class family, I’ve been prepared for the worse and expecting nothing but the best professionally and personally. My mother use to always tell me that I will always be reminded of my race and gender which will ultimate affect what class I am placed, depending on my personal persistence and perseverance, into. I believe there is no way to completely erase what society has constructed in regards to how we all view race, class and gender; I do, however, have a newly optimistic view on ways we can re-construct how we all view race, class and gender and that is by acknowledging the burden and damage it creates and revitalizing a more positive and community-based way of living that incorporates the acceptance of all humanity and embracing individuality and differences. This will be a lifestyle change, and changing lifestyles has never been easy or done over night.

working women

After reading this article, I randomly wondered why whenever gender is discussed, the discussion is solely pertaining to women or those of the female gender, like, when race is discussed, it’s usually black vs white/white oppressing black (in America). I understand that a man’s or the male gender is of the “popular sect” and never threatened, however, I think it is important that in order to solve an issue you would have to begin with the origin of the issue first. But yes…that was my random spill.
The author of the article discussed that it is vital to not only argue about a woman’s status, or her lack thereof, but to recognize the evolution and forever changing nature of male dominance and female oppression and understand ways systems of society mold and construct how the world views gender.

The Politics of the work force.

The article "Race, Class, Gender, and Women's Works" was yet another reminder of how oppresive our society is. In the arena of labor, an system that keeps this nation a float, women still are not given equal opportunities, but by now I should not expect that.

This article really broke down the system of labor and the roles women and minorities play within it. "Whereas gender creates difference and inequality according to biological sex, race-ethnicity differenctiates individuals according to skin color or other physical features"(17). To all black women, this quote should be very dishearting. Why? Well because when it comes to race in this society, black people find themselves at the bottom, and when it comes to gender, women are at the bottom. So any way you look at it, blacks, women and especially black women get the short end of the stick, in the case of this article this holds ture even in the work force.

This article really reminds me of an article I read in Intro to Women's Studies. "Racial Ethnic Women's Labor: The Intersection of Race, Gender, and Class Oppression". In that article Evelyn Nakano Glenn breaks down the laboring system as it relates to women into two models.

The patriarchy model which was developed by Marxist feminists explain the inferiority of women in the work force. There is a sexual division of labor that seperates women's jobs from men's jobs. This goes back to the idea of the public vs. the private; the work force vs. domestic life. Basically, women's occupations should surround home life, children and support of the male (bread winner). Where as the male is allowed to occupy jobs that utilize his intelligence and strength (which are both things women are not supposed to posess).

Colonized minorities is the other model discussed in the article. This system encourages the economic dependency of minority groups. By providing unfair wages for minorities an instituting "discriminatory barriers" the minorites are often stuck with the worst jobs.

These articles together proves how true this idea of intersectionality is. No matter what way you look the issuses in our society, specifically in this case the labor force, race, gender, and class are a major factor and can not be seperated.

Third Wave Manifesta

It’s nice to read something concise like Third Wave Manifesta between lengthy excerpts from other texts. The thirteen points from the text encompass a majority of contemporary feminism concerns. As women we have more power than we realize. I’m not sure what stops us from utilizing our influence to obtain what would benefit us most. Essentially I enjoyed how the authors touched upon a variety of problems in their agenda.

One such important issue mentioned is securing the reproductive and sexual rights of women. The reality of women being able to have full control over their own body is one I would like to see in my lifetime. Currently we live in a time where women’s reproductive rights are challenged in a multitude of arenas such as legislation that hinders women’s access to reproductive health services and safe and legal abortions. Abolishing the double standard is vital as well. Imagine if women weren’t the only ones held responsible for the actions others participated in as well. Advocating male responsibility in sex, family, etc. would liberate women in so many positive ways.

Equal access and support for women is imperative if women are to advance in society. Raising awareness and supporting ideals that would allow for full participation in society from women must be met if progression is to be made.

Third Wave

I can relate to most of the 13 Agenda points. However, I need some clarity on a few things. Point 1 - What did the authors mean when they said "and, further, a voting block of eighteen to forty year old. Does this mean that the new acknowledging feminist will increase the voting power of this age group? Point 2- how many years "under eighteen" should a woman be when making a decision to "bear a child?'
Point 3, "Sex for pleasure not for procreation," I agree and disagree with this point. I agree that most people have sex for the pleasure principle. However, there are couples, married and unmarried who use the pleasure of having sex to procreate. I also know that there are people who have given birth to children without having sex. (IE: artificial insemination). Some of these people chose to be artificially inseminated because they could not become pregnant by having sex or the wanted a child without having to have sex.
Point 8, "Equal access to health care." the gap between women's health and the health care for men has create life threatening results for women's health. For example, the following was published in a journal article i used for a research paper i was doing. "A 2000 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that men were more likely to be prescribed cholesterol-reducing drugs than women were, despite a 1999 report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association stating that men and women benefit equally from the drugs."
When reading the "Third Wave Manifesta from Manifesta" I was felt both empowered and uplifted by the bullet points because I could relate to the majority of the themes. When reading the article the woman was at the forefront, and was the focus. Breaking down social constructions, what comes along with being a woman, double standards, and many more women's rights were dissected. The Manifesta included all types of women and didn't make anyone feel left out. Different themes applied to different people allowing multiple connections and overlapping(s) to occur. I related to numbers 10 and 12 the most. I can relate to number 10 because I have witnessed it the most out of any other situation. Women who are physically or sexually abused, violated or mistreated is evident in all walks of life. No one has the right to harass another person regardless of how the "thought" of violence came about. Being a personal witness to one of my friends being physically abused by another person gave me the conviction to stand firmly against domestic abuse. Watching my friend get hurt and pushed around was difficult as an observer, but imagining what was really running through her head when she was beaten, is even more challenging. I truly can't understand how someone would put there hands on another person. This represents insecurities that the abuser is trying to cover up, by appearing more powerful to the one they are abusing.
This led me to number 12. My whole reason for being a feminist is to promote equality overall. I never want to just fight for women's rights although I am a women, I want to fight for equality for all. It would be selfish for me to only look out for my rights. Men and women need to work hand in hand in ending all social oppressions. Of course I have more of a connection with women's rights because of my biological orientation, but all oppressions are intersecting and therefore overlap with both men and women.
On a larger scale this article reminds me of being questioned constantly by others about my major. It's unfortunate that you have to explain what a Women's Studies major is. I never question a biology major, only because I have learned about biology and it is seen as "normal." People don't truly know about Comparative Women's Studies which is sometimes depressing, but silence will never let others learn either. There has to be social change with social action for anything to prosper.

Industrializing Women: Taking Out the Trash

After reading John Lie’s article “From Agrarian Patriarch to Patriarchal Capitalism: Gendered Capitalist Industrialization in Korea” I have realized the strong impact that class has on the lives of women. I have always acknowledged that women are oppressed throughout the world. We are globally oppressed with powerful statements such as “you throw like a girl” and are equally oppressed throughout classes. Li e writes, “In elite household, the patriarch rules over the household… (And) as with elite women, peasant women endure considerable oppression, working harder and longer than men in general.” Women’s position in society is often, universally, viewed as subordinate to men. Rich women are expected to live under the rule of their husbands, much like lower class women are. However, I empathize with the plight of the poor woman because not only does she work, she is also expected to do the same amount of cooking, laundry and caring for children as is the un-working woman. Patriarchs have also affected the amount of money women are paid for their labor especially considering that the work of women is considered a cheap form a labor much like American society views the work of Hispanics as cheap labor. This is a very disappointing and disheartening reality. Much like Americans often joke, “I’ll hire a Mexican to cut my whole lawn for $10 dollars” there are parts of the world (America included) where hiring women is viewed in the same light. There is so much resistance to changing the widely accepted social structure of men on top, women under men, and children under adults and animals under everybody because it is seen in so many aspects of our society. It is hard to view a woman as able to think, lead and earn as much as a man if she is seen as a subordinate in her home and to her children. Women’s equality will never be universally achieved if women, even feminists, allow patriarchy to prevail in certain aspects of their lives. It has to be torn down everywhere for it to cease to exists. That means dismantling patriarchy in religion, in our homes, in our places of work, in music, in advertising and in every social construct. It would mean every woman choosing to stop making statements like “I don’t have to take out the trash because I am a girl.”

Korea, U.S., Europe...There is Gendered Work All Around!

It matters not what city, town, state, or country; rather, what matters is the prevailing power structure that be. In most societies women are relegated to the bottom of the workforce.  John Lie asserts that the role of women changed drastically from agrarian to patriarchal capitalism.  However, I would like to think differently.  In agrarian patriarchy, there we little room for women's possibilites.  I interpret this to mean that women were essentially invisible and not of concern.  Rather, women were mere objects--house servants.  There was no work for them outside of the house.  While in the patriarchal society, there was this seperation of labor: private vs public sphere.  This meant that women's work was still in the home and men were the breadwinners.  They were the face of the home. The face of the nation, while women were still invisbile.  I mean granted they were noticed for thier work in the home, but this was something they had been doing for years.  There was not much change.  Instead, the division of labor was more pronounced.  But when considering class--the division is much different. The oppression that these women face will rear far different outcomes. What I realized is that the experiences of women in Korea does not differ from other nations.  Perhaps the type of work of that is done, but still they are seen as house servants, a presence not to be represented in larger society.  It is quite disheartening.  The difference lies in how will these women form an uprising.  Will society be receptive?  Will they be hesitant to receive such a message from women?  I know that in America, the women's rights movement was forthright, in that for the first time as a collective, women were standing up for what they believed in opposition to the masculinist forces.  They were not willing to accept no for answer.  I am a woman, which means I am a human being. I deserve what any man deserves!  Now, I do believe that Korean women fought for what they believed. Perhaps, the approach was different, in that the patriarchal nature of Korea  is a bit more different than what is experienced in the U.S. Nevertheless, they are standing up for what they believe. They are refusing to be  silenced.

Disrupting Gender Roles

"Race, Class, Gender, and Women's Works: A Conceptual Framework," addresses the division of labor according to race, class, and gender. For this particular comment, I will discuss the division of labor according to gender specifically. According to the article: "Anthropologists have found that most societies, across historical periods, have tended to assign females to infant care and to the duties associated with raising children because of their biological ability to bear children" (14). However, does the sudden advent of "pregnant men" (Lee Mingwei, Thomas Beatie) affect the division of labor. Although these men did not naturally conceive, because they are currently bearing children in their wombs, will they be assigned the duties associated with raising children. Or, will their natural "manhood" absolve them of that assignment? I introduce these examples to suggest that, as technology advances, and different movements continue to grow, for how much longer will we (as a society) be able to draw clear lines and create definitive categories? Are we reaching a point where we must de-construct all the previous categories because they are not representative of the current world?

Gendered WORK!!

In the article, "From Agrarian Patriarchy to Patriarchal Capitalism: Gendered Capitalist Industrialization in Korea", John Lie describes Korea's transition from agrarianism to capitalism and how it affected gender. Lie argues that gender liberation emerges after patriarchial captialism is implemented. Under agrarian partriarchy, gender was regarded as "invisible and ineffective as a source of identity" (35) and basically "embedded and subsumed"(35). Lie describes how class divided women in agrarian households in sectors such as elite and lower class/peasant. Peasant women differed from the elite women because of their roles as hard workers ("working harder and longer than men in general" (35)). Peasant women also collaberated and mobilized according to their concerns. Under patriarchal capitalism, Lie argues that gender is disembedded with apparent gendered labor roles(37). Industrialization ended agrarian patriarchy but erected another type of patriarchy which "denigrates female work and workers" (38). Women began to unite because they received a common gender oppression. In the name of resistance, Korean women started a women's movement to end gender oppression at the workplace and at home.

After reading this article, I feel like Korean women's struggle for liberation is similar to American women's struggle. During and after WWI and WWII, American women were employed with jobs that would have been labeled as "men's jobs". American women began to notice their significance and their rights to equality with men. As a result the first wave of feminism with NOW began. Women's position economically and professionally affects their perception of their innate rights.

Third wave Revolution

Reading this Manifesta gave me pride to be a woman but also made me reflect on how being a women in today's society is constantly regulated. Not just women but all people are constantly told how to live their lives by the main people that live their lives the opposite. Although all of these thirteen points hit the nail on the head the problem is that they even need to be said. These points should be common sense for the common way of living life. So why do people always need to point out the obvious? Don't get me wrong, i agree all the way with how the manifesta has set up their agenda, it just sucks that everyone doesn't think like this. I remember when i was younger and marched in the women's pro-choice march in Washington, DC and i can vividly remember the images that those who were anti-choice held up. It just troubled me how they felt that they had the right to tell women that they never knew, never have seen, and probably may never see again how they should act out their "reproductive roles" accordingly. Many times i feel that people more often try to enforce and apply their individual morals and beliefs on others lives, but make hypocritical decisions when dealing with their own lives, as if they are an exception to their own rules.
These thirteen points right the everyday wrongs in society. If this was publised nationally and posted every where i do think that i could make a difference. Many times others are so wrapped up in who they want to be, how they want to be seen, and how they see others that they dont remember that in the end we are all JUST HUMAN!!! Even though common sense is not always so common, common courtesy is something that we've been learing since we were born. Its important to think of the basics that were once so strictly enforced. Through the media and other coorperate controlled organizations, we have become desensitized to properly identify disrespeful and derogitory actions.

3rd Wave!!!

From reading the third wave manifesta, I think that this is the Manifesto for generation X feminists. I sometimes feel that within the feminist movement our younger generation isn't taken as seriously but I feel that many of my peers are very active and involved and radical and they deserve to be recognized. Also with their #2. Women's rights to bear or not bear children, I spoke with my best friend yesterday about how difficult it is for minors to have abortions without the consent of a parent and I was explaining to my friend that many of these young women will try and preform an abortion on themselves totally harming their reproductive system because they are so adamant about not having a baby. In situations like these I feel that even if you are not pro choice, you must recognize the fact that women are going to try and have abortions no matter if they are legal or not and it is important to advocate for their right to have a safe and sterile abortion. Also I was condom shopping not to long ago and the store that I went to had their condoms locked up behind a counter and I thought to myself how intimidating this must be for a young girl or boy. Many of these kids who want to buy condoms and practice safe sex with probably turn away because they are to embarrassed to ask for a box of condoms for fear of being judged. But they will still have sex, now putting themselves and their partners at risk. I think that it is very important to advocate for not only free condoms for minors at their doctors offices but also free birth control for girls under eighteen who are to fearful to ask their parents or guardians. I think that young people want to practice safer sex but because of the stigma that goes along with sexually active teens, they are too scared. Also I like to consider myself a very strong opposer of violence against women, I try my best to not only educate my female friends and family but males as well about violence against women and how violence does not only have to be physical but is verbal as well. Often many women who are in relationships get coerced into having sex with their partners or spouses and are too afraid to say no for fear of being beaten or verbally assaulted. This too is violence against women and if you are afraid to say NO to someone then maybe you shouldn't be with that person. Someone who claims to love you should never intimidate you or make you afraid of them. Lastly, I agree that it is important for all feminists, no matter our sexual orientation, educational background, or class, to come together on equal ground to fight for what is important for us as women; holistic health care, equal pay, reproductive rights, human rights, etc.

The Thirteen Point agenda

Reading the Third Wave Manifesta, is relating to women to become individuals making their own decisions. The Third Wave Mainfesta also makes lots of political stands for women, on reproductive rights, and gay and lesbian rights. On the thirteen point agenda one of my favorite points was #8. Point eight was requesting that women are to have equal health care rights as men, as well as coverage providers should keep in mind that women seek health care more often than men. I never thought about there being a difference in women and men health care. However it is true, that women will usually go to the general practitioner more than men. I believe that women should have health care that is equivalent to men, but health care for women should be less expensive do to the fact that health care is more of a necessity for women.
Point number three I have mixed feelings about. Everyone either homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual ect should have the right to have children or adopt if they choose. Yet, I do believe that homosexual parents would confuse the child and put them into an acquired position when growing up. Several issues may arise for the child, for example some children’s parents may not allow their child to have a relationship with the child of homosexual parents. The child will be ostracized and reticule for having two mommies and put in a position to explain why. On the other hand, I do believe that gay or lesbian people should have the choice of having children or adopting; but I think the effects of having gay or lesbian parents will bring upon a lot of ridicule for the child.

The Third Wave Manifesta from Manifesta

Before reading Third Wave Manifesta from Manifesta, I glanced at the title, then the reading, and honestly didn't take its one and a half page exerpt seriously. As I began to read I could strongly agree with some of Baumgarner and Richards thirteen points, but some, in my eyes, I strongly DISagree with. While being a feminist, I still stumbled upon #2. I do feel that as a female I have a freedom of choice, but when it comes to the choice of bearing children, I draw a line as far as my religous beliefs concern. Why you may ask? Well, as a Roman Catholic, it is a strong belief to practice pro life. This means no matter or "regardles the circumstance"as said by Baumgardner and Richards (which I am assuming that the authors are inferring rape, accidental, unwanted, etc... pregnancies) that a female has a choice to either keeping a child or not keeping a child in certain situtaions. I strongly believe that abortion is a type of killing! Sure, there are unforutate cases such as when females are raped BUT there are other alternatives besides abortion. To take a life, even in the womb, is absolutely absurd in my opinion. This is where my beliefs as a feminist and my beliefs as a devout Roman Catholic cross...on a lighter note #8 is a definite thumbs up in my opinion. EVERYONE should have access to healthcare no matter one's financial situation, male or female, or whatever else that makes healthcare unaccessible in the present day; just as alot of third world countries.

Monday, April 7, 2008

This Third wave thang!!!!

When I started to read this article I was puzzled by how short it was. I was confused, I thought what could these two authors possibly be trying to convey in one and a half pages, were they serious?Although, I must apologize for making such a BOLD/IGNORANT statement as such. I mean after reading this article three times and really try to understand what Baumgardner and Richards point was excitement and comprehension came.
Both Baumgardner and Richards talk about a thirteen point agenda that they would like to see in the future a "Third Wave Manifesta". When I first saw the word Manifesta I automatically began to think about the Manifesto project that I was currently doing with nine other classmates in Feminist Theory. All ten of us that are doing this project some what fit into what the authors thirteen point agenda is conveying. I mean even though all of are ideas are not the same what we are trying to do as a group is change what the world has labeled us as, to march out BOLDLY against it, and finally showing them that there is change that can happen.
After going through all thirteen points I felt like all the points had truth to it but yet there were points that I also felt more strongly about. I mean these were points like YEA, HELL YEA I want to be apart in that and maybe we should start that, matter of fact lets start this NOW!! I was excited about point #4,#5,#8, and #13. Now number four (#4) stood out to me because it spoke on how important it was to talk about sex and sex health and most importantly to educate the male responsibility, we just don't take these type of things seriously I don't think. History I believe is important in all aspects for it has been stated by many if history is not taught it is known to repeat itself. As people we must realize that as much as we study about the "WHITE MAN " and his history it is time for us to flip the table and listen to "HERSTORY", women's history must be taught to men so that they too can be educated along with other women . Men must be taught that not all FEMINIST are male bashers and lesbians.
In today's global society it is a must that we have the proper health care system to take care of the needs of our people. Regardless, to the amount of income that one is bringing into the home we as a country should have the funds to help those who are in need. Number eight points out that " equal access to health care"(p.568) making sure that we as people understand, that men and women should have the same rights especially when women have a reproductive system. All in all, this is to say that no matter one's gender, sexuality, or race we must pass the equal rights amendment so that " we can have a constitutional foundation of righteousness and equality upon which future women's rights conventions will stand."(p.569)

the manifesta for all women

Reading this manifesta was truly empowering. As we prepare our manifestos in class, I am baffled by what to say. What is going on in the world that I have a strong opinion about and want to share with my sisters (all sisters)? After reading this Manifesta, my eyes were open to more things that I am passionate about. Out of the 13 points of interest, 9 stood out to me specifically [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].
Point #2 dealt with a woman’s right to bear or not to bear children. I, personally, have no desire to bear children or care for children. When I tell people this, they feel the need to remind me that I am a woman, that bearing children is something I am “supposed to do”. I know that this #2 leads into the 3rd point of the manifesto regarding reproductive rights. However, the last line of #2 says “support [her] choice to be childless” (568). To me that didn’t necessarily mean abortion, that meant my choice not to pro-create in general. In #3 they deal with the aspect of reproductive rights, birth control, fertilization treatments, and sterilization abuse. In hopes of opening the doors for reproductive rights, birth control and fertilization treatments to all women (poor women and lesbians specifically). And lastly including “the idea that sex… is for pleasure, not procreation” (568).
I also enjoyed #5 stating that we must truly embrace women’s history as a part of our county’s history. Feeling that “women’s history [should be] taught to men as well as women as a part of all curricula” (568). TOTALLY AGREE! I also agree that we need to embrace the concept in #7, “self in community”. Find the balanced link between activism and the self… Lastly, I truly truly truly agree with #8’s approach “to have equal access to health care, regardless of income” (568). Women use the health care system more, therefore giving men more privileges is pointless and sexist. I LOVED THIS READING (short, sweet, and to the point!)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Third Wave Manifesta from Manifesta

After reading Third Wave Manifesta from Manifesta, I was a little confused, so I decided to look up what the point of the actual book was. I found out that Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards wrote this book about a new kind of feminism. Basically, there were two different waves of feminism, and the third wave would consist of young women like myself who are trying to connect the old meaning of feminism and relate it to what they feel feminism is today. I then read the excerpt again, and it made much more since. Baumgardner and Richards, in Manifesta, composed this agenda for the Third Wave Manifesta. One point that really stood out to me was the 4th one, which talks about the double standard between women and men dealing with sex and sexual health. Being a part of various organizations and groups that deal with sexual, reproductive health in teens, I know that a lot of them feel that it is the girl's responsibility to protect herself, to take birth control if needed, and to make sure that she doesn't get pregnant. I think this is a common mindset in a lot of young people's minds simply because girls are the ones who can get pregnant, therefore it is solely up to them to make sure it does or doesn't happen.

This makes me think of a news segment that I saw not too long ago where they were talking about a birth control pill for men. The news station conducted a survey on whether or not men would be willing to take the pill, and majority of them said they would not. This surprised me and also made me wonder why, at a time where it was decided that childbearing could and should be controlled, the method was targeted towards women and not men. I mean is there some scientific reason why there was no equal form of birth control made for men at the same time birth control was made for women? I can go on and on about the different forms of oppression that women face, but then I think I would start to sound like the adults on Charlie Brown. I am at a point where everything I look at has some sort of oppressive element, whether it be towards women, Blacks, Latinos, bisexuals, or any other minority group, and truthfully I don't know what to do.