Tuesday, March 18, 2008

This movement of Feminism!!!!!

As I look back over the readings and think about all that I have learned this semester. I begin to think about how I had never read a article that was as passionate but yet interesting as these two readings that I read this week.
Chicana Feminism I thought was a great article. Nietogomez got straight to the point about what exactly she was trying to say to the reader. When she first started off she started by first defining what Chicana meant and secondly what Feminism meant. Both of these two terms she defined according to her own personal definition. It was crazy to me because as I continued to read her article, I began to recall a conversation that I was having with a friend about a week ago on Feminism. I was explaining to him that being a Feminist does not mean that I am a male baser or perhaps a woman that hates men or even better that I am Lesbian.None of these things are true about me anyways. As we continued to have this discussion I had to explain to him that yes , both men and women can be Feminist it is not a female only type of male hating society. However, I am positive that he knew that already, or maybe some people are just that ignorant to this word. Although, in this article she made it clear that The Feminist Movement is " a unified front made up of both men and women -a feminist can be a man as well as a woman- it is a group of people that advocates the end of women's oppression."(p.302)
As I continued to further read and understand this article, she began to talk about what the Chicana Movement was and what exactly they believed in. From my understanding these were a group of women that supported the social, political and economical issues in regards to women and the positions in which they stand, more so the position as a Chicana. When it came to reading about Feminism in the Anglos and Tejas I had a little bit of difficulty.
Although, I continued to read and came to the realization that the Chicana Movement sounded just like the ladies here today in America especially Spelman women.(smile) Trying to rally up one another to speak their minds and know that they do not have to except the ways in which they are treated, working together with collective effort can and will build a better community. I liked how Anna stated that
"Children are not our individual responsibility but the responsibility of our community."(p.303) I am going to have to agree with that statement, I honestly believe that is one of reasons why we are having so much trouble with are children today. We constantly think that we can raise them by ourselves instead of stepping in to the community for help. I remember my grandmother saying " It takes a village to raise a child" and that is exactly what we need today.They it use to be like that years ago.
Comparing the Chicana Movement along with the Anglo women's movement according to Anna was irrelevant they are both two different movements. The Anglo women's movement was not a unified movement and this movement had at least three positions. However, the Chicana Movement was one that has to deal with the issue of racism and the issue of class interest.
While reading the article Asian Pacific American Women and Feminism I was stopped right away by the title. I began to think well I often read a lot about women and feminism and I only here and read about African American women, Caucasian women , Latino women but never had I heard of the Asian Pacific American woman and their movement on Feminism. As I continued to read on I tried to figure out what exactly was the author trying to say. She began by giving background information on the Asian culture and Third world women as a whole and then when into defining what feminism meant to her. Yamada defined feminism to be " a commitment to making changes in our own lives and a conviction that as women we have the equipment to do so."(p.366) I like how she understood and stressed that as women in order for us to ever achieve equality we must first recognize and be willing to realize that we have to work for a common goal. When she began to speak on how Asian Pacific American women will not speak until they are secure with in themselves and others understanding that know matter the race, we as women are in this struggle together and what ever one women's struggle is despite her race it is our struggle as well. After reading that sentence I felt moved. I had realized that this was not a statement that was needed to be directed towards this group of women and this group alone. I think it is of importance to spread this word to all women, we must know that as women we have always had to fight for our rights and access to have power, we should be granted the same access as men. However, until that access has been granted, we as women must know that this is a struggle and in order for us to bypass this we must all join together on one accord and realize that one Black women's struggle is also a Latino women's struggle and her struggle is a Caucasian women's struggle,etc . One struggle links to other struggle we are not separated by any means in this we are one big family that has to be willing to work for the better of ourselves and our community. " ...We can help each other broaden our visions."(p.368) , and we have to also"Recognize what change will bring to this colonization, which we have unintentionally continued."(Nietogomez,305)

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