Tuesday, February 5, 2008

What is a Woman?

Historically haven't men always set their own definitions and explanations for our lives as women? Just the word woman is proof enough... woMAN? After all weren't we created because Adam was lonely, he wanted someone to play with so God made u. Haven't we always been seen as an afterthought? Just like in the ads we watched the second week of class, women are seen as objects of sexual desire for MEN and when we can't provide that then we are told to feel less than a woman. What does it mean to be a woman? Is it what the Radicallesbians define as simply being fucked by a man? So therefore if women chose other women as their sexual partners what does that make them? Is there another sex for homosexuals and lesbians? Why should sexual orientation have anything to do with the sex of a person, isn't gender just a socially defined category in the 1st place? And if we truly consider ourselves feminists how can we turn away from our sisters just because they have a different sexual orientation. If we do this, than we're giving men the power over our lives that we've been trying to take back from them since this movement started. The only way that we can truly consider ourselves free women is by making our own rules and definitions and to stop defining ourselves and what it means to be a woman based on a man's ideals. Regardless of sexual orientation, of being a lesbian, butch or transgendered, I feel if we all chose to personally define ourselves as women, then we should all be apart of this movement together as opposed to chastising each other and claiming that one is more of a woman than the other. After all the personal is political right?

1 comment:

Feminist Theorist said...

I think the distinctions between sex, gender, and sexuality can get confusing. Hopefully we can discuss further in class.