Wednesday, February 6, 2008


After reading Halberstam's writing on transgender butch I was made aware of the rapidly growing cases of transgendered people. I also did not realize how our society is so obsessed with the need to catalogue people. As of now there are apparently several different "classifications" and more that are even unknown so the standard never completely represents everyone which is problematic; therefore, we should be less concerned with categories and more concerned with an all inclusive society. As we have discussed earlier there is confusion with gender and a person’s biological sex making this article that much more confusing. I honestly don’t understand how people that are trying to deconstruct the socialization of sexuality can classify themselves as trans”gendered” because the word gender is already implying that they are accepting society’s notions of what femininity/masculinity are. I do agree with the author when she said, "masculinity of course is what we make it." If a little boy tells his mother that he feels trapped in the wrong body, he has already been socialized. I feel like it is the responsibility of the parent to tell their child to embrace their innermost desires and thoughts as their own and not contradictory of their physical bodies. Why don’t the parents inform their child that it is ok to feel that way without having to change their actual sex as if they have to validate their true identity? Once again gender roles are affecting families in that, for example, little boys feel trapped in the wrong body simple because they feel more comfortable in a dress and playing with dolls. Instead of advocating these gender roles being lined up with the “appropriate” sex, the parents should accept the behaviors in its current state (a little boy in a dress playing with dolls while keeping his penis) instead of perpetuating the confusion or need to be accepted.

1 comment:

Feminist Theorist said...

What you are speaking to is very complex. Society both dictates what is acceptable gender performance and what bodies are associated with it. If a biological male feels he identifies with feminine gender performance, there is a need almost to physically reject masculinity to be legible in society. There are consequences for people who traverse these gender binaries. It seems to illustrate how deeply rooted these ideas of gender and sex are in our society.