Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Labels Hurt

I am in agreement with RADICALLESBIANS on labeling. Labeling of any kind is detrimental to the health and survival of the human race. Labels like lesbian, faggot, and gay, are no different than labels like African American, Hispanic American, and Asian American. They are all used to indorse everything that is considered unacceptable to the established norms. The standards for these established norms are set by a European patriarchal thought process.

The authors of the article believe that labeling women who do not fit the male identified description of what a "real woman" is or how a "real woman" acts drives a wedge between women as a whole. It is sad to say but most "heterosexual" labelled women take the side of the male who have placed their "male identifiers" on women as a whole. Heterosexual labelled women feel that they cannot have a true woman relationship with another woman who is labelled a "Lesbian." If you ask the "heterosexual" labelled woman why she has a problem being friends with the "lesbian" labelled woman, her answer will involve reasons derived from a male identifed thought process. (ie: I just have nothing in common with a woman that doesn't want a man in her life.)

The above statement is far from the truth. The "heterosexual" labelled woman has created division based on a sexual categorycreate by men. If her blindfold was removed she would discover that she and the "lesbian" labelled woman share economic, health and environmental disparities which she does not share with her male counterpart. At the end of the day, women, regardless of the labels placed on us, share a common bond. That bond will allow us to destroy the dehumanization we all share.


Feminist Theorist said...

Can you see labels as potentially useful? Do you think of the label of African-American as detrimental?

Yes wouldn't it be nice if women of all backgrounds were able to bond and stamp out oppression? We are just over half of the planet, you know?!

AARP said...

Labels can be useful when they relate to informing one of a danger. Labels on medicine bottles provides the consumer with valuable information for making a better decision about the consumption of their medication. However, Labels used to divide and construct barriers for standards of social acceptance will always result in detrimental actions. Killing a person simply because they live a life that does not conform to your standards is a detrimental action produced by the "Gay" label. Labeling a person gay divide them from the acceptable standards of what a "real" man or woman is. The labeling also bars the labeled from being accepted or included in the standard of what is nornal; which would therefore change the norm.

Unknown said...

I agree that labels have a role only if they are being used to acknowledge difference not separation. Many times labels limit individuals. If a person was labeled as poor, this gives a glimpse into the way their life is affected based on their economic status, but it we are separating them from what is socially acceptable in society as "rich" it puts a poor person as "abnormal." Titles tend to divide people, but are necessary in order to understand the differences among people.