Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses"

In this particular reading Chandra Talapade Mohanty discusses Western feminism and the "third wave feminist." As most people assume, when thinking of colonization, we mostly refer to economic and policital issues and systems, but Mohanty takes a twist and is referring to the pracctices and teachings of Western Feminism and the effects. Mohanty's goal through out this reading is to critique Western Feminst scholars on there academic teachings and bring individuals to a new light of "feminsim." Many people have a set definition of "feminism" and Mohanty allows us to think in a more broad perspecitve. She mainly focuses on thinking out of the box in the "politcal" context without falling into the trap of false generalizations.


Blakelymarie said...
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Anonymous said...

Prior to this reading I had never looked at the multiple types of feminism. Until I was introduced to intersecting topics, I picked and choosed what is connected and whats seperate. I thought feminism was just uniform, while topics such as being a black woman implemented both race and gender. Either way this reading allowed me to broaden my thought process when talking about issues. We can never get too complacent with definitions, instead we need to look at all options.