Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Importance of Feminist Critique.......

This article challenges ,in some form, the masculine views that are not only effecting women socially but biologically as well. I feel the authors do a good job in playing devil's advocate in critiquing the ideals of a the many masculine favorite theories that have troubled science for years. Through reading the many sub-stories and assumptions /notions that delegate men as being forceful and aggressive due to the activity of their spermicide ("Sperm tales") depletes the value of the female organism and personally resembles a "cave man theory". To read a sperm story as a heroic accomplishment is just the same as giving a man a cookie for being able to use the bathroom standing up. For example, in "the sperm saga" the authors take an excerpt from one of the textbooks stating how through millions of sperm released "many die along the way or become infertile," and after a long " hazardous" journey, one sperm (the heroic one) penetrates and "awakens the slumbering egg" . I found this story, as well as others of the same origin, no different from Disney princess characters teaching little girls to wait in "hazardous" conditions for our "one true love" or our "knight in shinning amour" to come "awaken" and rescue and them from a burning building.
It troubles me and seems quite ironic that theiories are what we are taught to be some what "truths" but if interpretation changes the anaylsis behind a theory what really is true? From the different views analyzed and documented throughout this arcticle the thought of equality was definently a hard concept for many male sccientists and theorists to grasps. But why is that?it was said that even after plenty of debate that one arganism still must bethe "defult," but which one is it. The story of the "energetic egg" does a fair job in trying to show the female organism as strong and a massive part in the reproduction process but it still seems passive in itself. The female as an egg, organism, and person seems to always fall into the category as the provider or the encourager to the sperm. However, why is there still a fight for women to be recognized as a backbone of and/or base of an organism and organization. In society it has gone past the point where women are dichotimized in society strictly by their race, class, or gender but biologically as well.

1 comment:

janinedanielle said...

I agree with your comment regarding the male's journey within the sperm saga's. It seemed to be seeking sympathy for the sperm's long, tedious journey through the vagina in search of the egg. The extent of the dramatization reminded me of society and its seeming sympathetic to men's plights whether deserving or not. I feel as though males are "babied" within society and justification is sought for their behavior whereas the same consideration isn't shown to women. In addition, men are rewarded for the slightest thing especially regarding housework (cleaning dishes, doing laundry, cooking) and yet many times for women it is merely viewed as part of their job.