Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Queer Politics Response

Queer politics, the “confrontational political formation” of the younger generation (1990’s) emerged from the dissatisfaction with the methods and invisible position of gay activists. An interesting concept from the reading was the idea of transformational politics. Audre Lorde stated that the “master's tools will never dismantle the master's house.” Advocating an agenda that pursues changing values, definitions, and laws that make dominant institutions and relationships oppressive as opposed to seeking integration into such a system is an intriguing strategy to me.

There are also a lot of questions that queer activists and others must address before being able to effectively combat the dominating multiple systems of oppression. My Comparative Women’s Studies class addressed the same question the author posed about those who in some way benefit from the dominant institutions and groups resources. Would you be willing to give up some of the advantages that you currently have in the name of promoting a more permissive and liberating society?

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