Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Science and Feminism

Along with others i did seem to find these two readings rather challenging. However i noticed how the constant battle between scince and nature seems to be never ending. In reading "A Cybrog Manifesto" i was left with a constant question of what is truth? I agreed with the author when she points out that in this cybrog of technology there is no "place" for women. It seemed that through this reading the author used various technological ideologies that she felt would benifit the role of women and by using that as well as trying to find that common language (if ever we do) i agreed that it would help distinguish fact from fiction in the decoding process. As a women living in an industrial society i appreciated how this author seemed to deconstruct a variety of ways to reevaluate, as a woman in an industrial society, information thru a rational and naturalistic standpoint without comprimising feministic views.
In realtion to "Making Gender Visible," i was reminded of the last readings in a way. In the article i was once again reminded of how male dominant the scientific world can be. However, in my opininon her explination of Richard Feynman's approach to the "secrets of nature," showed him not to be resourceful and/or determinded but rather stubborn and overly-aggressive. Once again it is the males trying to dominate what they have no control over.

1 comment:

thoughts927 said...

I totally agree...