Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Pursuit of Nature’s Secrets

Making Gender Visible in the Pursuit of Nature’s Secrets explores scientists desire to unveil the mysteries of nature. The role of gender in various subjects is very interesting. Men, not privy to the secrets of women and nature, sought to uncover what proves to a formidable challenge and “threat” to them. However, if such questions were to ever be answered would men really garner much satisfaction from the discovery and would positive benefits result? The desire for such knowledge doesn’t come from a place seeking to benefit humanity rather from fear of the unknown and a masculine desire to conquer. Would uncovering women’s secrets remove the little power that we currently hold?
Donna Haraway’s Cyborg Manifesto proved a bit more difficult to comprehend. I’m not quite sure I fully understand her cyborg metaphor but the possibility is very interesting, especially the fact that cyborgs already exists in some form.

1 comment:

endodancer9 said...

I addressed this "nosey- nature" of the men discussed in the article. It is strange to me that these men were so determined to unveil the secrets of women and nature, but had no desire to help uplift or empower women. Not that I'd expect them to. But I understand why you addressed this topic and agree whole-heartedly that these men were just nosey and don't need to know everything that goes on with women!