Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Third Wave Manifesta from Manifesta

Before reading Third Wave Manifesta from Manifesta, I glanced at the title, then the reading, and honestly didn't take its one and a half page exerpt seriously. As I began to read I could strongly agree with some of Baumgarner and Richards thirteen points, but some, in my eyes, I strongly DISagree with. While being a feminist, I still stumbled upon #2. I do feel that as a female I have a freedom of choice, but when it comes to the choice of bearing children, I draw a line as far as my religous beliefs concern. Why you may ask? Well, as a Roman Catholic, it is a strong belief to practice pro life. This means no matter or "regardles the circumstance"as said by Baumgardner and Richards (which I am assuming that the authors are inferring rape, accidental, unwanted, etc... pregnancies) that a female has a choice to either keeping a child or not keeping a child in certain situtaions. I strongly believe that abortion is a type of killing! Sure, there are unforutate cases such as when females are raped BUT there are other alternatives besides abortion. To take a life, even in the womb, is absolutely absurd in my opinion. This is where my beliefs as a feminist and my beliefs as a devout Roman Catholic cross...on a lighter note #8 is a definite thumbs up in my opinion. EVERYONE should have access to healthcare no matter one's financial situation, male or female, or whatever else that makes healthcare unaccessible in the present day; just as alot of third world countries.

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