Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The black female body!

Along with other readings i felt that once again this resembled that impact of politics, white surpremacy and certain binary categories on sceintifc research involving the black female body. Its seems that alot of the points involving black sexuality and the assumptions due to the stereotypes of black women are still present today. The author gives examples of how blues was used as a way for black women to expose and endorse their sexual stereotypes, and although i can understand that through their eyes that could be seen as a from of female empowerment i also agree that it was not completly benifical to the cause. I felt that the connection between music and black sexuality is still a issue today when dealing with the portryal of black women in music videos and the media as a whole. However, in relation to the opposing idea of the use of silence, i can understand this as being seen as a defense mechanism as well. Although it seems to be somewhat apparent that sexuality among the black community, especially black women, is not usually discussed, in a way i am beginning to see how that same silence that is used to protect to that sacred sexuality of a the black women, it can also become a burden. By constantly being silence by choice can cause a person to become confused about their sexuality as whole and therefore misconstruction their views of how important and relavant sexuality is in the forefront. From being silence by choice to being silenced by demand, the overall view on black sexuality has come to be misconstrued, insignificant, and/or problimatic to the black community.

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