Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Trying to Make Sense

Only after conversing with a few of my peers did I feel comforted knowing that I was not the only person that found articles 76 and 92 challenging.

As far as “A Cyborg Manifesto” is concerned, I am certain that I didn’t get as much out of the reading as I was supposed to however, there were some points in her argument that I believe I understand. Overall Haraway is discussing the differences between the natural and the cultural. In her attempt to “build an ironic political myth” (384), she argues that a combination of nature and culture (also known as a cyborg) is necessary to a social-feminist culture. The benefit of the cyborg is that it would allow for multiple perspectives to be seen versus the “Single vision [which] produces worse illusions than double vision or many-headed monsters” (386).

The second article “Making Gender Visible” was a little bit easier to comprehend. One of the things Evelyn Fox Keller talks about is the idea behind nature’s secrets and the burning desire for those secrets to be uncovered. At one point biology was a science surrounded by mystery, but after the discovery of “the secret of life” biology transformed to a science where mysteries didn’t exist, rather their answers had simply not yet been found-- As Keller states “The only secret of nature was that there were no secrets, and now that secret was out” (519).

1 comment:

Feminist Theorist said...

Yes the cyborg manifesto is quite challenging but you got the main arguments. We will discuss this further in class.

How does this connect to previous readings?